So this supposed Rapture never happened. While I never believed the crackpot that came up with this I sorta wanted there to be a zombie apocalypse. Ever since Dead Rising Ive always wanted to shove a servbot head on a zombie.
So if you were disappointed with the supposed rapture never happening here's some games to satisfy your thirst for an apocalyptic world.
3. Dead Rising
In Dead Rising you play as photographer Frank West who Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah...
While the story is okay at best, its the gameplay you want here. Your in a mall with thousands and thousands of zombies to kill and better yet pretty much everything and anything is a weapon. Anything from the unconventional Teddy Bear to the the very conventional Shotgun.
2. DOOM 3
In DOOM 3 you play as a nameless marine ( I call him Sir Awesome McBadass )
who is sent to Mars to help the UAC out because they have been having some strange occurrences and disappearances and they have no idea whats going on *cough*DEMONS*cough*. While the story is good but every now and then it gets a bit confusing but the audio logs you can find help answer some questions. But once again the gameplay is where its at. DOOM 3 is one of the best shooters on PC.( Its also on the original Xbox but I prefer PC. ) Another plus is that its scary as Hell... LITERALLY!
1. All the Fallout games
Do I really Have to say anything about this one... There all about post apocalyptia.
In my opinion Fallout 3 is the best game ever made.
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